
Thing to do at Melasti Ungasan Beach

Melasti Ungasan Bali Beach is a beach that has just completed the construction phase. The reason is, this beach wants to provide a sense of comfort for visitors, so renovations such as road construction and other infrastructure are carried out. Melasti Ungasan Beach is located in Ungasan village, South Kuta sub-district, Badung regency, Bali.

Here we will present a variety of information regarding what activities can be done at the beach in Melasti Ungasan.

Enjoy The Beauty Of The White Sand Of Melasti Ungasan Bali

Ungasan Beach has white sand beaches. The cleanliness of the coastal area on the beach is also still very well maintained, because not many people know the existence of this beach. On the edge of the beach you can play sand with children or just sunbathe on a lounger.

Enjoy The Beauty Of The Cliffs And Rocks On The Beach

During the trip to Melasti Ungasan beach, you will be presented with various beauty of high cliffs. The beauty of this panorama is often used as a place to take pictures for pre-wedding photos. Especially for visitors who will do pre wedding photos, you will be charged a fee to pay for special facilities such as a make up room or private toilet. Besides that there is also a stretch of rock around the shoreline. Surely this spot is highly sought after by photo lovers.

Capturing The Moment At The Temple

Uniquely, this ungasan beach has a temple located right on the beach. This temple is still well maintained and maintained, the monument of the building is very exotic so it invites visitors to attract photos on the side of the temple against the background of white sand and a very clear stretch of sea water.

Enjoy Natural Lagoons

Some people may not know what is meant by a lagoon, so a lagoon is a collection of saltwater that is separated from the sea because it is blocked by sand dunes or rocks that are too high. This lagoon will form a puddle that allows one to enter and soak in it.

Culinary tourism

At Ungasan beach there are also special culinary spots that serve a variety of Balinese specialties, seafood cuisine, or just a small snack that can fill your stomach when tired of playing on the beach. The prices that are priced are still very affordable, so you can still enjoy the food on this beach without having to grope too deep in your pocket.

Swimming And Snorkeling

Ungasan Beach has a type of wave that is calm and not too big. The visitors use this beach as a place to just swim or do snorkeling activities. You can bring your own swimming equipment and snorkel or rent equipment at the outlets provided.

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Новый 2019 год на Бали • Побег на 21 день • Эта поездка была запланирована сразу после возвращения из Болгарии. Меня как будь то вселенная направляла и оказалось не зря. Декабрь оказался жарким, не смотря на холодное время года. Сразу после новогодних корпоративов, я оказалась на борту самолёта. Села, выдохнула и через 25 часов я почувствовала свободу, какой то настоящий рай, где +30 и ночью и днём и это было сказочное Бали ? это КАЙФ ребята! Эта поездка стала моим внутренним вдохновением, началом больших событий в жизни и больших перемен. Да, не побоюсь так сказать! Первые 10 дней, это был настоящий балийский трип. Новые знакомства с ребятами с разных уголков страны. Разных по темпераменту, но таких одинаковых во взглядах?? Трип состоял из постоянного «движа» по острову! Отмечали Новый год в лучшем клубе на острове, танцевали в бассейнах, меняли виллы, локации, ездили на соседние острова, пили, танцевали, загорали… сидеть на месте было не возможно! @justarkova и @mr_ssserg ? После завершения трипа, настало время, которое я посвятила себе! Не выкладывала сторис, не делилась фото? Инстаграм скучал, а я наполнялась! Наполнялась красивейшими рассветами и закатами, океаном, солнцем, сёрфом, вкусной едой и любовью… Да, ко всему сказанному я была одна 10 дней! Совсем одна! Мне было это необходимо. Я нашла себе друга ? – это гикон? . Бали – сказочная страна, где ты ощущаешь комфорт и хочешь запомнить все моменты глазами и душой. Вдохновилась. Наполнилась. Влюбилась. #сказочноебали #бали #кэшнепроблема #свинячимнабали

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After swimming and snorkeling, Ungasan beach also provides the best facilities for toilet services. The toilets on the beach are very clean and comfortable for visitors who want to rinse their bodies or take a bath after swimming, with a fairly large toilet building and providing several water taps, you don’t need to queue long to get a turn.So that we can inform you about any activities that you can do at Melasti Ungasan Beach, Bali. Thus you do not need to worry or confuse what to do when you are there. Have a good vacation.


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