Flight from United Kingdom to Denpasar
It is kind of popular today when people find direct flight to Denpasar from United Kingdom. But the question is: is there any direct flight from the United Kingdom to Denpasar? Well, it might be happening but some countries just need to arrange their routes and anything related to that in the first place. Also, if your case is cheap flights to Bali so it is totally a different story.
How to get to Bali from the United Kingdom
If you are from the UK and want to get to Bali, there are currently a few ways you can try. However, there is no sign to find direct flight to Denpasar from United Kingdom even though the majority of tourists visiting Bali came from India, the UK, Japan, China, and Australia. For a budget-friendly flight, you can take Norwegian from London Gatwick and arrive in Singapore to take AirAsia that will take you to Bali.
If you want to fly from Malaysia, you can take Malaysian Airways from London Heathrow. It will take you to Kuala Lumpur and then you can fly to Bali. Another way is by taking Emirates from London Heathrow to Dubai and then to Bali. On the other hand, if you want the fastest way, you can take Singapore Airways from London Heathrow to Singapore and then to Bali.
Finding cheap flights to Bali
Basically, many of the cheap flights to Denpasar came from Australia followed by some other countries in Asia such as Singapore, Bangkok, and Malaysia. It makes you take different flights and have no direct flight from the United Kingdom to Denpasar. However, it should not make your holiday any less fun. As long as you avoid the peak season, between June and August, you will be fine. If you expect to be there during the summer or between June and August, you may expect to pay more for flights, accommodations, and, especially, finding the best hotel in Ubud online.
What to expect
Once you arrived at the international airport of Denpasar, you need to make sure that you have your visa but some countries are eligible for free-visa for up to 30 days. If you want to fly to another area in Indonesia, you might be asked to pay for tax around USD 4 or IDR 150,000. It is important to save up some local currencies in your pocket. Even though it is still far away to find direct flight to Denpasar from United Kingdom, you should enjoy your holiday in Denpasar.