
Why Bali Safe for Female Solo Travel

Reasons to Make Bali for Your Solo Traveling

If you are a girl and you want to visit Bali by doing a female solo traveller, you need to know the answer for this question “Where should I stay in Bali for the first time?” because a place to stay is something that is really important in a vacation, it will affect your safety and your comfort.

If you are really going to do the solo female traveller, here are some answer to the question “Is Bali safe for female solo traveller?” :

  • Balinese people are friendly

Even you are female and alone, the people who live in Bali will welcome you with their warm welcome. They do not see people from their gender, nationality, or something different that can be seen. 

  • It is easy to explore the area

The ways and the access to the tourist places are not difficult in Bali, even you walk the ways and the vibes are safe for female solo traveller. So this is another answer to answer “Is Bali safe for female solo traveller?” because the access to get in some places are really important especially for a female solo traveller

  • It is well-known

Bali is a really famous island in Indonesia for travellers, almost every day Bali is always crowded, it is safe for female solo traveller because you can find and meet other people and usually they really welcome you to go around exploring the places with them

  • Most Balinese people are able to speak English

The people who live in Bali will always meet people from another country, sometimes Balinese people are forced to be able to speak English because of the condition. The example is, someone from Bali is a seller in a tourism place, and they have to communicate with people from another country with English.

So they have to learn and they are getting used to it, that is why it is such a safe place because if you want to ask anything, the locals will be very happy to help

Those four things that already mentioned above are good enough to answer the question “Is Bali safe for female solo traveller?”. Based on some research and some data, Bali is one of the places that is safe for female solo traveller based on some facts above. No need to worry if you really want to do “female solo traveller” because you will be fine in Bali. 

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